Spice Up Your Sex Life with Foreplay

Are you and your partner neglecting sex play? Learn how to add it back into your routine to boost your bond in and out of the bedroom. While "quickies" can be fun and spontaneous, skipping foreplay means missing out on a great way to connect emotionally and physically. According to Pepper...

Mushroom Coffee: Are There Health Benefits?

Mushrooms have long been put on lists of supposed “superfoods.” Thought by some to be affect everything from immunity to cancer , various mushrooms have long been used in traditional medicine to prevent and remedy various ailments. Riding that wave is mushroom coffee, a drink made with mushroom powder...

Hospital Deaths and Complication Rates Are Lower With Female Doctors

Hospital patients may have better survival odds and a lower likelihood of serious complications that require repeat admissions when they’re treated by female physicians, a new study suggests. For the study, researchers examined data on about 777,000 people covered by Medicare, the U.S. health program for people 65 and...

Stuck in Traffic, and Stuck With Multiple Sclerosis

Living in a small town of about 2,000 people, we don’t have to contend with traffic all that much. Sure, when summer’s holidaymakers descend on our little peninsula, we’ve a few more cars than normal, but it’s nothing like the snarl of machinery and humanity I witnessed while in...

How Is Metastatic Breast Cancer Treated?

Metastatic breast cancer, also known as stage 4 breast cancer, is diagnosed when the cancer has spread outside the breast to other organs, most commonly the bones, brain, liver, and lungs, according to the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO).e60dc2a1-f33c-4a05-9b50-8e3e8e5976295e33d180-d44b-4e48-a257-ea9c6fbdcfc7 “While is not traditionally considered to...

10 Symptoms of Menopause and Perimenopause

Menopause can arrive with a host of symptoms. Most women experience at least some of these menopausal symptoms — typically when they are in their late forties or in their fifties, although it can occur earlier or later. 1. Hot Flashes and Night Sweats According to the North American...